Thursday 5 March 2015


Just like how SOUND plays an important role in movies, the CAMERA ANGLES are also as important. If the camera angling of all the shots in a movie were to all be terrible, the outcome would be even worse.

Here is an example of a photo with taken from a bad angle. Doesn't look right does it? (it gives me a headache urgh)

Good CAMERA ANGLES can affect the shots whether in a video or a photo, in a good way. Good camera angles are even capable of making something that actually doesn't look that impressive, and turn it into something that looks purely awesome.

Jaws consists of good camera angles in every scene of the film, making it very watch-worthy and impressive. 

**good camera angles ensure whatever is being taken to look right and not out of place**

The following is an analysis of some of the camera angles used in scenes in Jaws. 

The above image was taken from one of the very first scenes of the movie. The camera angle used is the "Low Angle". A low angle creates the notion for us to look up at the character onscreen as the camera is low. It is as if we are at the bottom of the sea looking up at the girl swimming high above us. She is the dominant one here in the scene, while we are all looking up to her. 

The light is shining from behind the girl, therefore creating lowlight/limelight atmosphere which is very calming and soothing to the eye. I myself, find this one of my favourite camera angle-shots in the movie. It has a kind of magical feel to it too. 

The above image was taken from a scene at the beach using the "Close Up" angle. A close up is usually like the above; when the camera is zoomed in on something, usually a person's head. This helps us to really, clearly see the person's facial expressions. Sometimes it can even make an effect on us to be able to feel his/her emotions. We can feel Brody's emotion of wary as he looks out into the sea when he hears a scream. This camera angle effect is usually to really hit the audience by making them feel the character up-close. 

The above camera angle displayed is the "Track" angle. The track angle is basically when the camera moves as if on track/following the person or object in the particular scene. It is as if we are also in the water swimming with them, following them deeper into sea. This creates a very realistic effect to the situation. As if we are really there in the movie, in that place, that time, together with these people. This effect is also usually used during 3-D displays to make it really realistic.

The above camera angle displayed is the "Mid-shot" angle. A mid-shot angle is when the camera only shows the person from their middle up and a little of the background setting. In this case, it shows Chief Brody from his torso up and a little of the boat setting behind him. This gives out the effect of Chief Brody being dominant, like when the Low Angle made the girl dominant in the scene. He is also in such of a position that the audience eyes' will all be on him as he speaks, you cannot take his eyes of him; he is in the centre of attention onscreen (thanks to the camera angle)

The above camera angle used is the "Point Of View" angle. Also known as POV for short. A point of view angle is when the camera takes up position of the character so that we can feel as if we are in the body of the character, seeing everything from their point of view. The photo above is actually seen from Chief Brody's point of view as he looks out into sea when he hears a scream. It is as if we are Chief Brody inspecting the sea. It gives out a very realistic feel (similar to the "Track" angle)

The above camera angle used is called the "Pan" angle. Pan is short for panoramic. A panoramic angle is when the camera moves in an arc from a fixed point. Meaning, the camera moves around the object in a  wide and long motion, allowing you to see the whole object (as if you were walking in a circle around it) In the above picture, the shark is taken circling around the fishing boat. This angle allows us to be able to see the full picture, to see what is all around surrounding. It helps give a wide overlook which is refreshing and keeps you out of curiosity.

Again, imagine if all the scenes above were taken from bad angles and not the angles displayed above? The movie would not be the same wouldn't it? This is why deciding on the right & suitable camera angles are very important and require sufficient planning and thinking beforehand.


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